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6.19】主讲嘉宾1:郭艳峰 研究员
主讲嘉宾2:沈大伟 教授
2023-06-12 | 文章来源:材料设计与计算研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  题目1:Exotic Topological Properties Driven by Spin-textured Band Effect 

  报告人:郭艳峰 研究员(上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院)




  摘要:磁性拓扑材料是当前凝聚态物理研究领域热点体系,其丰富的拓扑物性对于基础研究及实际应用都具有重要意义。在拓扑能带理论中,磁性与非平庸拓扑电子能带之间的关联是一个重要课题。在一些具有织构型自旋能带(spin-textured band)的磁性拓扑材料中,利用外磁场可以调制自旋方向,从而诱导新奇的拓扑物性,如拓扑相变、理想外尔态、轴子绝缘态、反常/拓扑霍尔效应等。本报告将介绍探索该类磁性拓扑材料并利用外磁场诱导新奇拓扑物性的几个工作。 


  郭艳峰,上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院研究员、博导。20032008年中科院物理研究所硕博连读;2008年至2012年日本国立材料研究所(NIMS)博士后;2012年至2015年牛津大学物理系博士后;20157月加入上科大任Tenure-tack助理教授,20227月晋升常任副教授。长期从事新量子物质材料探索、高品质单晶生长及物理性质研究,近几年主要围绕磁性拓扑及超导材料开展研究。已在NatureNature子刊PRXPRL等学术期刊发表论文180多篇,引用近4200(Web of Science) 


  题目2:Rotation symmetry breaking of charge density state in the reciprocal space of kagome superconductors

  报告人:沈大伟 教授(中国科学技术大学)

  时间:6月19日 14:00-16:00



  摘要:Recently, the vanadium based kagome superconductors AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs) have drawn great attention because of the various intriguing phenomena discovered in this class of materials, including the charge density wave (CDW), unusual electronic structures with nontrivial band topology, giant anomalous Hall effect, and superconductivity. Remarkably, the recent discovery of C2 symmetric nematic phase intertwined with the superconductivity in AV3Sb5 could be related to the unusual superconducting state at lower temperature, and the superconducting mechanism is reminiscent of the nematic superconducting state in copper or iron-based superconductors.

  Although the electronic nematicity has been studied in literatures using real-space microscopy and transport measurements, the direct evidence on the CDW driven rotational symmetry breaking (RSB) of the electronic structure in the reciprocal space is still missing. The underlying mechanism of the electronic nematicity and its relationship to the CDW transition remain elusive. Here, utilizing the micron-scale spatially resolved angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (APRES), we have directly observed the electronic nematicity in the reciprocal space of kagome superconductors KV3Sb5, which is a significant progress beyond the latest reports on RSB of local electronic structure in AV3Sb5. Moreover, we experimentally demonstrated the hint of rotation symmetry breaking in RbTi3Bi5, which is isostructural to AV3Sb5 but in the absence of the concomitant intertwined CDW. Our findings provide one critical piece of a jigsaw that goes towards solving the puzzle of unusual superconducting and CDW states.

  个人简介:沈大伟,中国科学技术大学教授,博士生导师。分别于2003、2008年在复旦大学获得学士、博士学位;2008年赴美国康奈尔大学物理系从事博士后研究;2011年加入中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所历任副研究员、研究员;2023年加入中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室。长期从事量子材料原位电子结构的研究工作,具有丰富的量子材料精确外延生长与基于原位电子结构探测的物性机理研究经验。目前在Nature Materials、Physical Review X和Physical Review Letters等国际知名期刊上发表论文100余篇,他引3500余次。



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