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主讲嘉宾:Prof. Uwe Glatzel
题目:Frontier and Beyond High Temperature Materials
2021-04-25 | 文章来源:高温结构材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:Frontier and Beyond High Temperature Materials 

主讲嘉宾:Prof. Uwe Glatzel (Metals and Alloys, University Bayreuth, 95445 Bayreuth, Germany

时间:2021年4月27日(周二) 下午15:00-17:00(北京时间)  



会议ID:657 0379 8615




Current situation of high temperature materials will be presented and discussed with respect to further increase operation temperatures as well as mechanical strength and environmental resistance. State of the art materials in this respect are nickel-based superalloys, manufactured as hollow, complex structures in single-crystal state. In these materials internal stresses play a major role. The knowledge of Ni-base superalloys over several decades show that different stress contributions (solid solution, dislocation back stress, misfit, Orowan and  cutting) are well understood and established. With the exception of solid solution strengthening, these effects can be estimated by theory and/or determined experimentally quite reliable. This will be exemplified by creep observations of different alloys, mainly at 980°C, but also up to 1450°C in correlations with microstructures. Conclusions of stress discussions and creep observations will be drawn for future materials beyond Ni-based superalloys. Further considerations like oxidation resistance (e.g. creep testing in air) and room temperature ductility are additionally of importance and taken into account. 


Uwe Glatzel was born in Dec. 1960 in Heidenheim, Germany. He got doctoral degree at Technical University Berlin in 1990 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. M. Feller-Kniepmeier. He is a professor for Metals and Alloys at the University of Bayreuth, Germany since 2003, and he is a coordinator of a Germany-wide Priority Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG) with about 25 PhD/post-doc since 2016. He is also the managing director of the Bayreuth Materials Research Center (BayMAT) since 2006, and the Division Manager of Metals Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH (NWB) since 2017. He won the Gerhard Hess award of the German Science Foundation (DFG) in 1995, and Lee-Hsun lecture award of the Chinese Academy of Science in 2017.      




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