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5.7】Jian Xu
题目:A novel electrochemical method for detection and quantification of Laves phase in 12Cr martensitic stainless steel
2018-04-28 | 文章来源:材料环境腐蚀研究中心        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目: A novel electrochemical method for detection and quantification of Laves phase in 12Cr martensitic stainless steel

报告人: Jian Xu

Time: 5月7日(周一),下午14:00


Abstract: An electrochemical method for the detection and quantification of Laves phase in 12Cr martensitic stainless steel is proposed in the present work. Laves phase dissolution peak can be observed at the lower potential range which can be obtained in anodic polarization curves in a specific solution with specific pH values. The amount of Laves phase was calculated by the integration of anodic current with time according to the polarization curve and also independently measured by using scanning electron spectroscopy. A good correlation of these two quantifications methods was obtained.

Speaker’s Biography: Jian Xu is an assistant professor of Tohoku University in Japan. He got his Ph.D degree in Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012 and worked as a post-doctor in Tohoku University until 2014. During the post-doctoral period, his research addressed issues in the corrosion behavior of Ni based weld metals in high temperature water, and mainly focused on the effects of water chemistry on the oxide film and SCC of the materials using some in situ monitoring methods. Now he is mainly involved in the development and evaluation of new corrosion resistant alloys. From Sep. 2018 he will join Sun Yat-sen University and build up the group of materials corrosion and protection in extreme environments.


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