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8.20】Dr. John Plummer
题目:Recent developments at Nature Publishing Group
2015-08-17 | 文章来源:非平衡金属材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭
题目: Recent developments at Nature Publishing Group

报告人: Dr. John Plummer

时间: 2015820日(周四) 10:30-11:30 



A number of new initiatives have recently been introduced at Nature Publishing Group. This talk will discuss some of these, including the double-blind peer review trial and its implementation at Nature, Nature research journals and Nature Communications, and the rise of high-quality, fully open access journals. A summary of the Nature family of journals will also be given, including an overview of the editorial criteria, and new journal launches.


     Nature Materials Senior editorJohn Plummer

John Plummer earned a MEng in materials science and engineering from the University of Sheffield, UK, and remained there for a PhD, investigating glass formation and the mechanical properties of metallic glasses. He then moved to Imperial College London as a postdoctoral researcher and to lecture on deformation mechanisms in materials. His research focused on the use of small-scale mechanical testing and in situ synchrotron experiments to elucidate the micromechanisms of deformation in crystalline metals and ceramics. As an editor, John started with Nature Communications in January 2013, and then joined Nature Materials in October 2014, where he handles manuscripts on structural materials, glasses, multiferroics and other topics of condensed matter physics. John is based in the Shanghai office.


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