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1.5】王亮 教授
2014-12-29 | 文章来源:先进炭材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

  题目:下一代纳米压印技术(After 193i; the next generation nanolithography methods

  报告人:王亮  教授(中国科学与技术大学)

  时间:15日(周一) 14:00-15:00



  Nanolithography is a key technique for nanoscale pattern definition. In the fields of photolithography, major advancements in resolution have historically been achieved through use of shorter wavelengths of light. Using phase shift mask and immersion technology, it has already been demonstrated that 193 nm photolithography can produce sub-50 nm features. Along this path, such improvements come with an ever increasing cost for photolithographic tools. The escalating cost for photolithography tools is driven by the need for complex sources and optics. The cost for a single tool has exceeded $60M, a prohibitive number for many users. As a result, researchers are looking at low cost alternative methods for printing sub-50 nm features. Here we present two low cost high resolution lithography methods which could become the next generation lithography tool selection.

  Recent studies have showed that extraordinary optical transmission and nanoscale spatial resolution could be achieved with the use of bowtie apertures benefiting from the enhanced transmitted light confined in the tips. We demonstrated that laser direct writing with bowtie aperture could achieve sub-50nm resolution with very low cost.

  Nanoimprint lithography has made tremendous progress since its initial development. The number of technical hurdles that must be cleared before it is recognized as fully competitive with photolithography for sub-50-nm patterning is dwindling. Patterning resolution has been demonstrated down to 20 nm, with precision overlay/alignment requirements of multilevel device fabrication of better than 10-nm alignment resolution.


  Dr. Wang received his B.S. in Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. Subsequently, he pursued both M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and a second degree M.S. in Physics, all from Purdue University. After received his Ph.D. in May 2008 he joined Molecular Imprints INC (acquired by Canon) as a research engineer working on development of nanoimprint technology. In 2011 he moved to Silicon Valley, California joined Lam Research Corp, one of worlds top semiconductor equipment company, where he served as senior engineer, staff engineer, then technical manager. He worked together with TSMC to develop its 28nm/20nm and 16nm chip technologies. Dr. Wang was selected to 1000 Talents Program for Young Scholarsby China in 2013, he then returned back to be a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China.

  Dr. Wangs research interest is nano-optics and nanofabrication. Throughout his career, Dr. Wang has published 18 peer-reviewed papers, 9 of them he is the first author. In addition, he has authored a book chapter and 4 international patents. Notably, Dr. Wang has successfully transferred many of his research works to industry applications. Some of them are now being used by leading technical companies such as Seagate, Western digital, Toshiba and TSMC.


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