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4.11】Dr. Yonggang Jin
题目:CSIRO R & D on Carbon Composite Adsorbents for CO2 Capture……
2014-04-08 | 文章来源:先进炭材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:CSIRO R & D on Carbon Composite Adsorbents for CO2 Capture, and Ventilation Air Methane Mitigation and Utilisation

报告人:Dr. Yonggang Jin
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), 
            Energy Flagship, Environmental Science and Engineering Team



CSIRO R & D on Carbon Composite Adsorbents for CO2 Capture, and Ventilation Air Methane Mitigation and Utilisation

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from coal production and use such as fugitive CH4 emissions from coal mining and CO2 emissions from coal-fired power stations have become a main contributor to the global GHG emissions. It is important to develop efficient and cost-effective technologies for CO2 and CH4 emissions abatement so as to continue using coal as a most accessible energy resource. This talk will give an overview of the research work carried out at CSIRO Environmental Science and Engineering Team in the areas of CO2 post-combustion capture and ventilation air methane (VAM) mitigation and utilisation.

To date, CSIRO has a comprehensive research program on post combustion CO2 capture including solvent processes and solid adsorbents. For this program our team mainly develops carbon composite adsorbents for CO2 capture in a dry process from laboratory-scale studies to site trials and demonstration of a small pilot-scale novel CO2 capture prototype unit. We have fabricated and characterised several series of carbon composites incorporated with carbon fibres, carbon nanotubes, and macadamia nut shell-derived carbons. These composites possess a hierarchical macroporous-microporous structure, exhibiting superior CO2 adsorption capacity and kinetics, and excellent CO2/N2 selectivity compared to conventional activated carbons. Our novel honeycomb carbon fibre composites were tested for CO2 adsorption and desorption performance with a simulated flue gas (13 vol% CO2 and 5.5 vol% O2 with balanced N2) in a small pilot-scale prototype unit with two capture columns of 2 m high. At present, the prototype unit is being trialled with the actual flue gas at a power station in Australia.

VAM represents the largest proportion of methane emissions from coal mines. Developing an effective technology for VAM mitigation or utilisation as an energy source has been an on-going challenge because the volume flow rate of ventilation air is large and the concentration of methane is dilute and variable. A typical gassy mine in Australia produces ventilation air at a rate of approximately 150 to 600 m3/s with a methane concentration of 0.3-1 vol%. Since 2000, CSIRO has conducted comprehensive studies from site characterisation, theoretic studies and laboratory-scale experiments, to development and site trials of VAM prototype units through more than 22 research projects. Three CSIRO VAM technologies have been developed including VAM catalytic combustion gas turbine (VAMCAT) for power generation, VAM capture (VAMCAP) using carbon fibre composite adsorbents, and novel VAM mitigator (VAMMIT) based on a reverse flow reactor with a newly structured regeneration bed. A 25 kWe VAMCAT prototype unit has been developed and tested at a coal mine site. The prototype units of VAMCAP and VAMMIT have also been built and tested in our laboratory and are ready for coal mine site trials.




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