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8.23】Prof. Xiang Yang Liu
Topic:Colloidal Crystallization...
2013-08-02 | 文章来源:非平衡金属材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

TopicColloidal Crystallization: Experimental Modeling of General Crystallization

SpeakerProf. Xiang Yang Liu 

           Research Institute for Biomimetics and Soft Matter,
           College of Materials, Xiamen University

           Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry, 
Faculty of Sci., National University of Singapore 

Time 10:00-12:00 AM. , Fri., August. 23th, 2013

VenueRoom 468, Lee Hsun Building, IMR CAS

Welcome to attend

Abstract: This talk aims to give an overview on the recent progress of the controlled colloidal crystallization, as an experimental modeling system to study the general crystallization mechanism, ie. the kinetics of nucleation, growth and defects formation, and as a template for photonic crystals engineering. Such a system allows us not only to visualize some “atomic” details of the nucleation and surface process of crystallization, but also to treat quantitatively the previous models to such an extent, which have never been achieved before by other approaches. As such, the nucleation kinetic process was quantitatively examined at the single particle level for the first time, and the cases that the deviations of the classical theories can be identified. The application of the electrically controlled colloidal crystallization to the modeling of the kinetics of some important processes of crystallization, ie. multi step crystallization, supersaturation driven structural mismatch nucleation, defect creation and migration kinetics, surface roughening, etc. can transfer our knowledge to a new phase. Welcome to attend!


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