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6.4】吕铭方 教授
题目:How to get published in IOP journals
2013-05-30 | 文章来源:学报信息部        【 】【打印】【关闭

题目:How to get published in IOP journals


报告人:吕铭方 教授


Abstract: IOP Publishing (IOP) is a world leading professional society publisher aimed for advancing and disseminating physics. IOP publishes over 60 strong physics and related titles of world reputation with the flagship Journal of Physics series. All papers under consideration need to report original, significant and high quality researches to merit publication. Papers also need to be well presented to secure rapid processing and publication. Detailed requirements of this and how to responding referees, IOP’s new Open Access (OA) and copyright polices will be covered in the talk to help your paper publication with IOP as well as with other world journals.

报告摘要:如何将重要研究成果以高水平论文的形式发表出去,是所有从事基础科学研究的科研人员所必须面对的。英国物理学会出版社IOP Publishing (IOP)是世界领先的专业性学会出版机构,出版发行60多种国际著名的物理学相关期刊,尤其是《Journal of Physics》系列。IOP对论文的学术水平有很高的要求,并且论文需要精心撰写才能确保得到快速审稿和接受发表。在审稿过程中,作者通常只有一次答复审稿人和修改论文的机会,否则将被退稿。本报告将详细介绍如何在IOP期刊上发表高水平研究论文,并对在其他国际期刊上发表论文有所帮助。报告还会介绍IOP的开放获取(OA)和最新的版权政策。





A List of IOP journals and their 2011 ISI Impact Factors, updated on 28 June 2012, all at

- Authors can always submit their papers to

- For journals marked "*", papers should be directly submitted to their editorial offices,

- For journals marked (1) - (8), IOP Beijing Office can provide free pre-refereeing and language polishing, contact:

1. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (1.564)

2. (1) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (1.875)

3. (2) Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2.546)

4. (3) Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (2.544)

5. (4) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (4.178)

6. Journal of Physics: Conference Series

7. New Journal of Physics (4.177)

8. * The Astronomical Journal (4.035)

9. The Astrophysical Journal (6.024)

10. The Astrophysical Journal Letters (5.526)

11. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (13.456)

12. Biofabrication (3.480)

13. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics (1.952)

14. Biomedical Materials (2.158)

15. * Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (0.692) (USTC, China)

16. * Chinese Physics B (1.376) (CPS, China)

17. * Chinese Physics C (0.272) (CPS, China)

18. * Chinese Physics Letters (0.731) (CPS, China)

19. Classical and Quantum Gravity (3.320)

20. * Communications in Theoretical Physics (0.747) (CPS, China)

21. Computational Science & Discovery (new)

22. Environmental Research Letters (3.631)

23. European Journal of Physics (0.823)

24. * EPL (Europhysics Letters, 2.171)

25. Fluid Dynamics Research (0.673)

26. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

27. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

28. Inverse Problems (1.880)

29. * Izvestiya: Mathematics published by Turpion (0.488)

30. Journal of Breath Research (2.541)

31. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (5.723)

32. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (0.634)

33. Journal of Instrumentation (1.869)

34. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (2.105)

35. Journal of Neural Engineering (3.837)

36. (5) Journal of Optics (1.924)

37. Journal of Radiological Protection (1.388)

38. Journal of Semiconductors (new) (Semi, CAS, China)

39. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (1.727)

40. Laser Physics Letters (9.970)

41. Measurement Science and Technology (1.494)

42. * Metrologia (1.750)

43. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (2.298)

44. (6) Nanotechnology (3.979)

45. Nonlinearity (1.386)

46. * Nuclear Fusion (4.090)

47. Physica Scripta (1.204)

48. Physical Biology (2.595)

49. Physics in Medicine and Biology (2.829)

50. * Physics-Uspekhi published by Turpion & UFN (2.154)

51. Physiological Measurement (1.677)

52. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2.425)

53. * Plasma Science and Technology (0.407) (IPP, CAS, Hefei, China)

54. Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2.521)

55. * Quantum Electronics published by Turpion (0.832)

56. Reports on Progress in Physics (14.720)

57. * Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (1.320) (NAOC, Beijing, China)

58. * Russian Chemical Reviews published by Turpion (2.644)

59. * Russian Mathematical Surveys published by Turpion (0.526)

60. * Sbornik: Mathematics published by Turpion (0.567)

61. * SciDAC Review (new)

62. * Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (NIMS, 3.513)

63. * Science Foundation in China (NSFC)

64. (7) Semiconductor Science and Technology (1.723)

65. Smart Materials and Structures (2.089)

66. (8) Superconductor Science and Technology (2.662)


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