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2009-07-02 | 文章来源:        【 】【打印】【关闭



The University of Nottingham – Energy Technologies Research Institute
& Chinese Academy of Sciences – Institute of Metal Research, Shenyang, China
Research Associate/Fellow
Designing Novel High Capacity Multicomponent Hydrides for Near-Ambient Solid State Hydrogen Stores
An exciting opportunity exists for a high calibre postdoctoral researcher to work on China collaboration between the University of Nottingham and the Institute of Metals Research at Shenyang. A key technology for the development of efficient hydrogen automobiles is a means to safely store the hydrogen. Solid state storage of hydrogen in metal hydrides or complex hydrides currently are the most efficient means to compactly store hydrogen, with volumetric densities far in excess of liquid hydrogen. The main challenge for these high storage capacity materials is the temperature needed to release the hydrogen. This project will investigate novel multicomponent hydrides (mixtures of complex hydrides and metal hydrides) which have lower temperatures to release the hydrogen. The work will investigate the effect of dopants to destabilise the materials (and thus lower the temperature of cycling) and develop catalysts for the fast release of hydrogen at near-ambient conditions. This exciting project offers the successful candidate the opportunity to work within two of the leading research groups investigating multicomponent hydrogen storage materials. The four years will be spent between both locations with a total of two years in the UK and two years in China.
Candidates should hold, or be about to obtain, a PhD in chemistry, materials science, or another relevant science/engineering discipline, having experience in one or more of the following areas:
· Processing of metal hydrides and/or complex hydrides
· Hydrogen storage
· Gas adsorption
· Materials/surface characterisation
The communication skills of the candidate are important and they will be expected to have a good grasp of both English and Chinese, or a willingness to undertake an intensive language course if needed.
Candidates should have good investigative skills, the ability to understand and provide mechanisms/explanations to complex hydride systems, and the ability to demonstrate robust experimental design and measurement skills.
Salary will be at a rate commensurate with the host organisation. Whilst working in the UK, salary, depending on qualifications and experience, will be within the range:
· Research Associate scale: £24,152 - £26,391 per annum (salary can progress to £29,704 per annum, subject to performance).
· Research Fellow scale: £27,183 - £35,469 per annum (salary can progress to £38,757 per annum, subject to performance).
Whilst working in China, salary will be RMB 72,000 - 84,000 per annum (salary plus subsidies can progress to RMB 100,000 per annum, subject to performance). This post is available immediately and will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of four years.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr G Walker, Email: Gavin.Walker@Nottingham.ac.uk or Professor P Wang, Email: pingwang@imr.ac.cn.
To apply on-line please access: http://jobs.nottingham.ac.uk/ENG278. Please quote ref. ENG/278. Closing date: 2 March 2009.
For details of your contact member of staff in HR Shared Services please see: http://hr.nottingham.ac.uk/organisationalcharts. See also the Clear Guide to Recruitment web site at: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/hr/local/recruiting/index.html, which provides you with a transparent, step-by-step guide to recruiting staff in your School/Department.

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